Registration for examinations
Around four weeks after the start of lectures you must register for examinations in all the courses you are taking in that semester in which you wish to be examined; this must be done during the registration period via the C@mpus online portal . This also applies to the architecture and urban planning colloquium (ring lecture) with module no. 48370.
As soon as you have enrolled for an examination, you are under an obligation to take the exam, i.e. with the exception of the master's thesis and the architecture and urban planning colloquium, all modules in the master's program take the form of course examinations (lehrveranstaltungsbegleitende Prüfungen – LBP). Students can only then withdraw from an examination through the Examination Office; valid reasons must be provided. The examination must be taken at the next possible examination date. Details are set out in the Examination Regulations.
Recognition of examination results
Examination results and graded assessments from other master's programs can be recognized according to the rules of the Examination Regulations. Responsibility for recognition lies with the individual institutes; recognition is based on the subject studied and the content covered by the specific module. If you have enquiries about recognition, please contact the institutes most closely concerned with the topic in question, providing supporting documentation, and request the institute to sign the form "Recognition of modules and/or individual module examinations (Anerkennung von Modulen und/oder Modulteilleistungen (Prüfungen))". Applications will then be submitted to the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning examination committee for legal scrutiny.
Registering your master's thesis
The master's thesis must be registered within the examination registration period . Download the appropriate registration forms from the C@mpus online portal. The topic of the master's thesis, examination dates and the names of the first and second examiner must be entered on the registration forms. The forms must also be signed by the first examiner. One application form must be handed in to the Faculty examination committee (Ms. Krüger). The other registration form can be submitted via contact form ( student.uni-stuttgart.de/kontakt/ ), or in person. Registration of the master's thesis is then complete. The Examination Office will also provide you with a form regarding your master's degree certificate, on which you should enter any additional seminars that you have taken so that the modules can also be recorded on the certificate.
Master's program in architecture and urban planning
Keplerstr. 11, 70194 Stuttgart, K1 - 1st floor, Room 1.23
- +49 711 685 83226
- Write e-mail
- Contact: Marie-Luise Latteyer