The architecture and urban planning master's program requires students to complete three designs/projects, seven seminars, a colloquium and the master's thesis. The designated period of study is four semesters A total of 120 credits must be earned. 87 credits must be earned from the designs/project work and the seven seminars. A maximum of 30 credits can be awarded for the master's thesis. The only compulsory module (three credits) is the architecture and urban planning colloquium (module no. 48370). The colloquium is also called a "ring lecture" and is only offered in the winter semester.
You can decide yourself what design/project work and seminars to do each semester from the available courses according to your own interests. Use the first two semesters to familiarize yourself with the Faculty, its institutions and fields of study. However, in the course of your studies you must specialize – this is a requirement for the master's thesis. The Faculty provides a number of fields of specialization.
An introductory session to welcome all new master's students is held at the start of lectures in the winter semester. In addition to an official welcome, this will provide important information about your studies.
On the first day of lectures, the institutes will outline the courses they offer and present all the design topics. The venue and the time of the welcome session will be published in the list of courses and displayed outside the Dean's Office.
Design places will be allocated the same day! Sign up online for your preferred design topics at the start of lectures. Places will be allocated solely through the Faculty website and not through C@mpus.
Seminar places will be allocated online via the C@mpus platform. If demand is very high, there will be an internal selection procedure.
Student workplaces will be assigned in the first week of lectures; workplaces are granted on a semester basis. For further information and questions on how workplaces are granted, please see Workplaces.
Students must enroll for the examination for each course that they take during the examination registration period (about four weeks after the beginning of the semester) online via the C@mpus online portal. For further information see Examination-related matters.
The list of courses will be published each semester about one week before lectures begin. The list contains all available courses (designs/projects and seminars) in a given semester together with a brief description of the course content. It can be obtained in printed form from the Dean's Office and downloaded from ILIAS. All events are listed on the C@mpus online portal.
The master's program curriculum does not include a compulsory semester abroad. Nonetheless, the Faculty encourages students to spend a semester abroad and provides assistance with planning and organization.
Career opportunities in architecture and urban planning increasingly require international and intercultural competence, with tenders for local planning projects and design competitions increasingly being invited internationally. At the same time, there is an array of new opportunities for newly qualified graduates on the international employment market. Both require a high level of flexibility, international competence and the capacity to address new issues and challenges over and above subject knowledge.
In order to meet these requirements, the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning offers a wide range of contacts to prestigious partner universities. For this, the Faculty has its own dedicated International Office providing the following services to ensure that your study period abroad is prepared to meet your requirements:
- Advice on integrating your study period abroad in your studies
- Contacts and information on partner universities, application procedures and the granting of places at educational institutions
- Information on financial support and scholarships for internships/study periods abroad and help with scholarship applications
- Support during study period abroad and help with problems that arise
Students propose their own master's thesis topic. Independent definition of the topic, the structure and principal focus are important elements of the master's thesis. The topic should relate to your selected specialization and be discussed well in advance with the professor who is supervising your thesis.
The master's thesis must be completed within a six-month period, which begins officially on the first Monday of lectures. Presentation and examination of the master's thesis take place in examination week. Approximate dates are shown in the list of courses (Lehrangebot). The exact dates will be displayed outside the Dean's Office and communicated to students through the institutes.
The master's thesis must be registered within the examination registration period. Registration is only possible once students have earned a minimum of 84 credits and met the specialization requirements (one design and one seminar in the selected field of specialization).
Successful students are awarded a "Master of Science" ("M.Sc."). After two years of experience in professional practice master's graduates are eligible for accreditation to the chamber of architects of a given federal German state both under national and international rules. Master's degree graduates are also entitled to pursue doctoral degree studies (Promotion).
Academic advisory service for master's students
Keplerstr. 11, 70176 Stuttgart
- Write e-mail
- Dipl.-Ing. Christopher Hagmann | please make an appointment by mail.