- The master's program in architecture and urban planning is designed to follow on consecutively from a bachelor's degree in architecture and urban planning or a closely related subject, which is a formal application and admission requirement.
- A decision on whether applicants for the master's program meet requirements will be based on their application folder/portfolio. Applicants from outside Germany must also provide evidence that they have adequate German language skills.
Application documents
to be submitted online to C@mpus :
- Bachelor's degree certificate, including overall grade
- Current list of exam results and assessed coursework completed for the bachelor's degree program (including individual grades)
- Your digital portfolio/application folder with selected examples of your work (e.g. your bachelor's thesis and other projects) in A4 format (PDF file, no more than 10 MB) Make sure that your portfolio contains your name and your address.
- A personal motivation statement and résumé may be included in your portfolio, but are not essential. Further information can be found here.
Contact support if you have any technical problems.
- The master's program begins each year in the winter semester. Applicants cannot be admitted at higher semesters.
- The application period begins mid-/end May; the application closing date is 15 July of each year.
- Please submit your application online using the C@mpus portalof the Admissions Office of the University of Stuttgart. You will be issued an application number which will allow you to upload the required documents.
- Decisions on applications will be taken by an admissions committee of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning. The application and admission procedure is governed by the "University of Stuttgart Admission Regulations for the Master's Program in Architecture and Urban Planning(Zulassungsordnung der Universität Stuttgart für den Masterstudiengang Architektur und Stadtplanung") of 10 March 2017. General information on applications, the admission procedure and who to contact at the Admissions Office can be found here.
- Decisions on applications will be taken by the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning admissions committee based solely on subject-specific aptitude.
Applicants who hold a bachelor's degree and who are awarded a regular place on the master's program must enroll immediately for the following winter semester, otherwise their place will be lost.
Applicants who do not hold a bachelor's degree and who are awarded a conditional place on the master's program must enroll within three semesters.
Applicants who have been awarded a conditional place must enroll again through C@mpus and upload the letter of admission Issued by the University of Stuttgart. For further information see here.
Special procedure
The University of Stuttgart allows applicants who have not yet completed their bachelor's degree to apply through a special application procedure by 15 July, i.e. they apply for "conditional admission".
Students applying for conditional admission must demonstrate that they have acquired at least 110 ECTS from a six-semester bachelor's program or 170 ECTS from an eight-semester bachelor's program, in which case the admissions committee will need a current list of exam results and assessed coursework, including average grade. As a bachelor's degree certificate will not yet have been issued, applicants for conditional admission must provide a current list of work/examination results, which also shows an average grade.
Application procedure - FAQs
No, your application documents do not have to be certified. Copies are sufficient.
Please do not send originals!
Yes, but your personal contribution to the project must be apparent. If your personal contribution is not clear, you should choose a different project.
Yes, in some cases. This is set out in § 20 of the Examination Regulations.
Applications for recognition of credits must be submitted to the Faculty examination committee with the signature of the examiner (professor). They must then be submitted to the Examination Office.
To submit your application use the form here. A list of your current exam results and assessed coursework must be attached to your application.
More information on recognition can be found on the University of Stuttgart ILIAS online platform under "Downloads" > "Magazin".
No, so make sure your application documents are complete. The Campus application portal closes at midnight on the application closing date 15 July.
Your letter of admission will state the closing date for enrollment. Once you have accepted your place via the C@mpus portal, you can download the letter of admission and print it out.
In some cases, enrollments for the winter semester may be accepted until 15 November. For further information consult the Admissions Office.
The Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning does not give grounds for individual cases. If your application is refused you will receive a standard reply from the University of Stuttgart. The wording has no bearing on our selection procedure or your specific case. The letter merely states "You have not been accepted."
The Examination Regulations do not require a study semester abroad. However, if you wish you can request leave of absence to take a study semester abroad. For more information contact the University of Stuttgart's International Center or seek advice from the Bachelor International advisor. You should start planning about a year beforehand.
No, we do not provide prior advice on portfolios, nor do we comment afterwards.
Yes, in order to enroll at the University of Stuttgart you must apply through the application procedure by 15 July even if you have already received permission or a guarantee for a scholarship through an international selection procedure of a foreign university or institute of higher education.
You should also contact Mr. Rainer Goutrié, international coordinator, at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning.
Academic advisory service for master's students
Keplerstr. 11, 70176 Stuttgart
- Write e-mail
- Dipl.-Ing. Christopher Hagmann | please make an appointment by mail.