The master's program in Architecture and Urban Planning leads to a master's degree which generally entitles the holder to be admitted to the chamber of architects, which is a prerequisite for practising as an independent licensed architect (freie*r Architekt*in). Master's graduates can also go on to pursue a doctoral degree (Promotion).
With their broad spectrum of expertise the institutes of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning introduce students to a wide range of topics. Flexibility and the ability to adjust to changing parameters are a fundamental aspect of this master's program. At the end of the master's program students are required to submit a master's thesis in which they demonstrate their ability to work autonomously, formulating independent answers to complex questions within a creative design process, and to respond sensitively to interrelated requirements.
The Faculty offers a master's degree program in architecture and urban planning, lasting four consecutive semesters, plus two international master's programs. We offer two further master's courses for individuals already working in a related field, where the studies will be pursued in parallel (berufsbegleitend):
Students who began their master's program before 1 October 2017 are subject to the Examination Regulations 2013. Students who began their master's program after 1 October 2017 are subject to the Examination Regulations 2017.
The differences in the Examination Regulations relate primarily to the curriculum. If you have any questions, please contact the Examination Office.
Faculty collaboration on other master's programs:
Academic advisory service for master's students
Keplerstr. 11, 70176 Stuttgart
- Write e-mail
- Dipl.-Ing. Christopher Hagmann | please make an appointment by mail.