For a number of years, the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning has maintained a close exchange in research and teaching with international partners.
Click here for a list of our partner universities.
The Faculty offers a wide range of courses held in English and seminars/design project topics with an international focus. It also seeks to enable students to gain experience in an international context in the course of their studies. We expressly encourage students to study abroad. The "Bachelor International+" certificate is awarded to students who complete an international module as part of their bachelor's degree program.
The international master's programs in English are an important element of the Faculty's international activities.
M.Sc. Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design (IUSD)
M. Sc. Integrative Technologies and Architectural Design Research (ITECH)
Erasmus program at the faculty
The Erasmus program is part of the EU's Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) and offers students the opportunity to spend one to two semesters in another European country. The principal objectives of the EU's Erasmus program are to encourage students to spend part of their studies abroad, to provide financial assistance and enable results achieved abroad to be recognized through the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).
Students wishing to spend a period studying outside Europe should contact the University of Stuttgart's International Center, Pfaffenwaldring 60.
Application for Erasmus program
- The Erasmus program is intended primarily for students who have completed at least one design project or bachelor students who wish to spend some time studying at one of our partner universities abroad as part of the Bachelor International+ additional qualification.
- The Erasmus program also supports work placements, internships, etc. abroad (DAAD Erasmus+ placement sponsorship KOORBest).
- Submit your application portfolio during the ERASMUS office hours:
Thursdays, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Mr. Rainer Goutrié, Room 7.14,International Module Coordination, Bachelor International+, Erasmus. - Further information can be obtained during office hours: Thursdays, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m., Mr. Rainer Goutrié, Room 7.14,International Module Coordination, Bachelor International+, Erasmus.
Required documents (A4 format, bound)
- Résumé (tabular form)
- Description of yourself, including qualifications and interests (portfolio approx. 5 pages, A4 format incl. text/plans/images)
- Detailed reasons for choosing the specific partner university – personal motivation statement (important: please name at least three universities in order of preference)
- Current grades (simple uncertified copy is sufficient; available as C@mpus download)
- Personal data (home address/telephone number/email address)
List of priorities, signed by International Center (IZ), template available as download from the IZ website.
- One application date per year only: end of January for the following winter semester and the summer semester of the following year (approx. one year beforehand). The closing dates for Erasmus program applications are alwaysin January for the following winter semester and the summer semester of the next calendar year.
- Applications forwork placements/internships can be submitted (online) up to four weeks before the starting date.
- Submit your application portfolio during the ERASMUS office hours: Thursdays, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m., Mr. Rainer Goutrié, Room 7.14,International Module Coordination, Bachelor International+, Erasmus.
- Available places are awarded by the Faculty in an internal application procedure(one to two rounds).
In addition to academic qualifications and work experience, importance will also be attached to personality. In awarding places, the Faculty will place particular importance on the reasons for selecting the respective partner universities.
Applicants will be notified of the results of applications by email.
Study periods abroad can be one or two semesters within one academic year. The academic year always begins with the winter semester.
Further information can be obtained during office hours: Thursdays, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m., Mr. Rainer Goutrié, Room 7.14, International Erasmus Coordination.
Most partner universities will provide intensive courses before the semester starts. However, you are advised to start taking language courses in Germany well in advance. Details of current language requirements can be obtained from Mr. Goutrié and/or ILIAS under "Internationales". The lecture-free period between the winter and summer semesters after the results of the selection procedure have been announced is a good time to do this. ERASMUS does not provide assistance with the tuition fees for language courses taken at the partner university before the period of study where such courses are not provided free of charge.
Not only does the ERASMUS program provide you with a guaranteed place at a university abroad and cover the cost of tuition fees, it also provides a mobility grant, which varies according to which group the country you are visiting falls into. Payments are made in two installments per year (at the end of the winter and summer semester).
As very few of our partner universities offer student accommodation, you are strongly advised to start looking for accommodation early on.
As a rule, projects that you complete while you are abroad can be recognized by the Faculty's institutes through the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Thus, you should document your projects carefully. If the program of courses for the next academic year at your host university has already been finalized, we recommend that you discuss your choice of courses with the applicable institutes at the University of Stuttgart. As a general rule, students are expected to acquire 30 ECTS credits per semester.
At the beginning of the winter semester the Faculty usually holds an exhibition of students' work, which also provides an opportunity to find out more about the Erasmus program. The exhibition shows the work produced by students during their study period abroad and details of other placements, internships and study periods abroad, etc. The projects are displayed in the exhibition in the foyer of K1.
Coordinator for the Bachelor [International+] / Erasmus Officer, International Affairs Dept.
Keplerstr. 11, 70174 Stuttgart, K1, 7th floor, R 7.14 - Mr. Rainer Goutrie (Dipl.-Ing.)
- +49 711 685 82762
- Write e-mail
- Thur 2p.m. - 4p.m.