The entire study program is sub-divided into related study units, referred to as modules. A module can last from one to two semesters and comprises one or more courses and periods of independent study.
For full descriptions of the modules please consult the University of Stuttgart's C@mpus online portal.
Depending on the workload each module is assigned a certain number of ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). One ECTS credit corresponds to approximately 30 study hours. The workload on which the ECTS credits are based is calculated according to the contact time (weekly hours during the semester) and individual study time (preparation and follow-up). Each semester entails around 900 hours of work, i.e. an average of 30 ECTS credits per semester. The Architecture and Urban Planning bachelor's degree program has a total of 180 ECTS credits which must be accrued during the designated six-semester study period.
The 180 ECTS credits are distributed as follows:
- Subject modules (150 ECTS credits)
- Key competencies modules (18 ECTS credits)
- Bachelor's thesis (12 ECTS credits)
The subject modules comprise the basic modules (75 ECTS), core modules (51 ECTS) and complementary modules (24 ECTS):
- Basic modules provide basic knowledge of methods and methodologies related to all subject areas. They are compulsory for all students.
- Core modules provide the professional core competence by integrating interdisciplinary program objectives with design/project work. They form the principal focus for the respective semester and are compulsory for all students.
- The complementary modules allow students to explore the content of the core modules to greater depth and can be used for fostering their individual profile. There are compulsory elective and elective modules, i.e. students select the complementary modules from a number of available options.
The key competency modules (18 ECTS) complement the specialized studies by teaching additional competencies comprising:
- subject-related key competencies (compulsory modules with 12 ECTS) and
- interdisciplinary key competencies (elective modules with 6 ECTS).
The subject-related key competencies are offered by the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning and form an integral part of the curriculum in the first four semesters.
The interdisciplinary modules can be selected from the "interdisciplinary key competencies module handbook" of the "University of Stuttgart Center for Education and Qualification". Academic credit points can be gained on successful completion of full modules only. Please note that credit points cannot be claimed for partially completed modules, such as lectures, etc.