Our curriculum reflects the diversity and complexity of the professional activities, duties and responsibility of architects and is organized according to subject areas, incorporating a wide spectrum of aspects from the artistic to practical construction, urban planning design and humanities. The six-semester bachelor's degree program provides students with a thorough grounding in the manifold activities of an architect.
Courses and subject areas
The first part of the degree program (core studies, 1st - 4th semesters) consists of broad-based compulsory courses. In the 5th - 6th semesters students can choose from a number of courses offered.
The Faculty has compiled a course catalog for core studies and specialized studies detailing the various courses available in each semester.
Information on the courses available in each semester of the core studies can be found in timetables, and for the specialized studies in the course catalog.
The print course catalog is available from the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning from mid-September (winter semester) and mid-March (summer semester). The course catalog is also available for download.
At the beginning of each semester the Faculty holds an introductory session at which the various institutes present the courses they offer and Faculty staff present the designs/project work and bachelor's thesis topics which students can choose. After that workplaces are assigned. The schedule is available from Downloads. All courses, modules, etc. are listed in the module handbook.
Subject areas and institutes
- Subject area
- Subject area
- Subject area
- Subject area
- Subject area
Academic advisor for bachelor students Faculty 1
Keplerstr. 11, 70174 Stuttgart, K1 - 3rd Floor
- Further information
- +49 711 685 83258
- Write e-mail
- Dipl.-Ing. Kyra Bullert